Marc Castle's portrayal of the eternally midwestern Tom Kemp in my play Shiny Pair Of Complications was one of the loveliest performances I saw this year. His total commitment to the curmudgeonly but well-meaning character was very funny, and totally endearing. I'm lucky to know him.
In addition to being a fabulous actor, Marc's also a terrific playwright. His Friends And Relations , opening December 1st at the Jume Havoc on West 36th Street, tells the tale of Miles, Dean, Byron, Ross, Bobby, Corey and Glen in New York City during the wild 1970's and the sobering 1980's, as they search for love (and other things) in a world gone just a bit mad.
1. Why must Friends And Relations be seen to be believed? Besides the 7 hot guys? Well, because, personally, I think it will be an amazing production! My director, Adam Fitzgerald, and the designers have created a seamless cinematic effect that makes the play flow. It’s kind of like watching a movie on stage, (only with a much smaller budget!) Oh, and did I mention the 7 hot guys?
2.What theatrical experience has really rocked your world? I’ve been around a long time, and was lucky enough to have parents who took me to the theater as a child, so I have a lot of experiences that totally blew me away. As I’ve written plenty of musicals, I’ll say the original production of “Company.” Saw it twice and it was a seminal experience. Changed the shape of musicals. Changed my life.
3. In addition to being a great playwright, you are also a fabulous actor. So if you could play any part in Friends And Relations, which would it be? I’d want to play all of them! (Though not at the same time!) But if I really had to choose one, I’d say Miles. He’s the main character, and there’s a lot of me in him. (And it’s a damn good part!)
4. A big-budget Broadway musical based on the story of your life is in production. Sadly, the producers of Castle! The Musical! Not The TV Show! do not see you as enough of a draw to play the titular role. Which Hollywood A-lister gets the job? Paul Rudd - just because. Or maybe Angelina Jolie - she has my lips.
5. What’s your favorite charitable cause or philanthropic organization? Why should everyone reading this rally round their flag? I give mostly to gay causes as I figure who else but gay people will? If I had to choose one, I’d say Lambda Legal Defense. But then I am also a volunteer as well as a supporter of the Actors Fund so I feel especially connected to them.
6. Is ‘gay theatre’ redundant? Only if you spell “theatre” with an “r-e.” If you spell it with an “e-r”- uh - not so much.
7. In celebration of Tennessee Williams’ 100th, I invite you to rewrite Stella Kowalski’s response to the following:
BLANCHE (lightly) Honey, do me a favour. Run to the drugstore and get me a lemon-coke with plenty of chipped ice in it! - Will you do that for me, Sweetie?
What should she have said?
STELLA (uncertainly) Yes. (She goes around the corner of the building)
NEVER f**k with a master!
But then again, if I WERE to f**k with a master I’d deconstruct it to have her say:
STELLA : Fine, Blanche! I’m going! I totally understand that I’m only a third wheel around here. I understand that you two need to have a big confrontation scene and the author has to get me off the stage. So I’ll just go and get that soda for you. But I plan on treating myself to a nice tall frosty Mai Tai while I’m at it. (SHE starts to exit) Oh, and if I’m not back in time for my next scene, sweetie? (beat) Improvise!
Marc Castle's Friends And Relations runs December 1st - 17th at the June Havoc Theatre under the direction of Adam Fitzgerald. Get tickets here.
2.What theatrical experience has really rocked your world? I’ve been around a long time, and was lucky enough to have parents who took me to the theater as a child, so I have a lot of experiences that totally blew me away. As I’ve written plenty of musicals, I’ll say the original production of “Company.” Saw it twice and it was a seminal experience. Changed the shape of musicals. Changed my life.
3. In addition to being a great playwright, you are also a fabulous actor. So if you could play any part in Friends And Relations, which would it be? I’d want to play all of them! (Though not at the same time!) But if I really had to choose one, I’d say Miles. He’s the main character, and there’s a lot of me in him. (And it’s a damn good part!)
4. A big-budget Broadway musical based on the story of your life is in production. Sadly, the producers of Castle! The Musical! Not The TV Show! do not see you as enough of a draw to play the titular role. Which Hollywood A-lister gets the job? Paul Rudd - just because. Or maybe Angelina Jolie - she has my lips.
5. What’s your favorite charitable cause or philanthropic organization? Why should everyone reading this rally round their flag? I give mostly to gay causes as I figure who else but gay people will? If I had to choose one, I’d say Lambda Legal Defense. But then I am also a volunteer as well as a supporter of the Actors Fund so I feel especially connected to them.
6. Is ‘gay theatre’ redundant? Only if you spell “theatre” with an “r-e.” If you spell it with an “e-r”- uh - not so much.
7. In celebration of Tennessee Williams’ 100th, I invite you to rewrite Stella Kowalski’s response to the following:
BLANCHE (lightly) Honey, do me a favour. Run to the drugstore and get me a lemon-coke with plenty of chipped ice in it! - Will you do that for me, Sweetie?
What should she have said?
STELLA (uncertainly) Yes. (She goes around the corner of the building)
NEVER f**k with a master!
But then again, if I WERE to f**k with a master I’d deconstruct it to have her say:
STELLA : Fine, Blanche! I’m going! I totally understand that I’m only a third wheel around here. I understand that you two need to have a big confrontation scene and the author has to get me off the stage. So I’ll just go and get that soda for you. But I plan on treating myself to a nice tall frosty Mai Tai while I’m at it. (SHE starts to exit) Oh, and if I’m not back in time for my next scene, sweetie? (beat) Improvise!
Marc Castle's Friends And Relations runs December 1st - 17th at the June Havoc Theatre under the direction of Adam Fitzgerald. Get tickets here.