Nicole Pandolfo by Hunter Canning
I met Nicole Pandolfo a couple years back in Craig Lucas' playwriting workshop at Stony Brook Southampton. Nicole is smart and funny and inquisitive, and incredibly generous in collaboration. I loved the humor, irreverence and authenticity in her work. So when I was thinking about how Hard Sparks might follow up Eightythree Down, I called up Nicole. It's been a blast producing the latest version of her one-woman play Love In The Time Of Chlamydia at the FRIGID festival at UNDER St. Marks. - JSB
1. Why must Love In The Time Of Chlamydia be seen to be believed? Because so much crazy stuff happens to me! And I actively participate in creating it! Plus also who doesn't love hearing someone dish about all the crazy things they did growing up. Plus there's Ejaculators and Hot Wheelchair Guys!
2. What theatrical experience really rocked your world? My all time favorite theatrical experience was Love, Janis in Summer 2001. It was the first Off-Broadway production I had ever seen, it rocked (literally), and it was pre-September 11th. And the show was just so amazing, so beautiful, and even though there was a band it was really a solo show. And the actress just kept the audience riveted!
3. When people ask me if I consider myself more a playwright or an actor, I always respond with “Yes.” What’s your answer? Yes! I love both. Acting provides more instant gratification than writing. But I love both and they use two different parts of me. I can't imagine ever not doing either. Acting can be more fun in a way because it usually involves getting to play with other people, but writing, especially when it's going well, really feels good too.
4. A big-budget Broadway musical based on the story of your life is in production. Sadly, the producers of Jersey Girl! do not see you as enough of a draw to play the titular role. Which Hollywood A-lister gets the job? Cher, circa Mermaids.
5. What’s your favorite charitable cause or philanthropic organization? Why should everyone reading this rally round their flag?I really love charities that help people help themselves or hone a creative outlet. Especially for single moms, young girls, and formerly incarcerated individuals. Some local favorites are GIRLS WRITE NOW and THE DOE FUND.
6. One thing that makes LITTOC so compelling – not to mention hilarious – is that you really ‘go there.’ Why is it still so taboo for women to speak frankly about sex? I think the answer comes down to the fact that some men (or at least some societal representation of patriarchal male views) still can't handle strong women. And by strong I mean honest. It's not what some men want to hear. Why? I don't know. Maybe they worry if women are too strong, or equal, or smart, or vocal, or honest that they'll then use that power to dominate the male gender, like they've been doing to women for so long. I hate to say something like this because I don't want people to think that my show or I are man-haters. We're not, We're man lovers (that's why we get down with so many in the show). But it's true. Many men, especially men in power, can't handle the thought of women being anything but subordinate in someway. They don't want to see us as anything but sex machines who clean and cook good and enjoy 3 minutes of rabbit sex. I try not to surround myself with those men. I know a lot of guys that are great, who see women as equals, with interesting and important points of view. And I do think that's what's in our future as a society. Equality.
7. Okay, seriously: is your boyfriend cool with all this? Oh Gosh. Poor Chris. The first time I showed him pages on my first draft like way back in '08 or '09 he threw the pages at the wall. We had a talk about it and I explained that even though some of this probably sucks for him to hear, it's a part of who I am as a writer and artist, and ever since then he's be so super supportive and amazing. And really now there's so much time and art in between the show and me that I think he can see it as something than other me just reading a diary on stage. But I do always thank him all the time, especially for all he's helped out with, and he's cooler than I could expect, let's put it that way!
Hard Sparks' production of Love In The Time Of Chlamydia plays the FRIGID festival at UNDER St. Marks through March 4. Get your tickets from SmartTix.com.
1. Why must Love In The Time Of Chlamydia be seen to be believed? Because so much crazy stuff happens to me! And I actively participate in creating it! Plus also who doesn't love hearing someone dish about all the crazy things they did growing up. Plus there's Ejaculators and Hot Wheelchair Guys!
2. What theatrical experience really rocked your world? My all time favorite theatrical experience was Love, Janis in Summer 2001. It was the first Off-Broadway production I had ever seen, it rocked (literally), and it was pre-September 11th. And the show was just so amazing, so beautiful, and even though there was a band it was really a solo show. And the actress just kept the audience riveted!
3. When people ask me if I consider myself more a playwright or an actor, I always respond with “Yes.” What’s your answer? Yes! I love both. Acting provides more instant gratification than writing. But I love both and they use two different parts of me. I can't imagine ever not doing either. Acting can be more fun in a way because it usually involves getting to play with other people, but writing, especially when it's going well, really feels good too.
4. A big-budget Broadway musical based on the story of your life is in production. Sadly, the producers of Jersey Girl! do not see you as enough of a draw to play the titular role. Which Hollywood A-lister gets the job? Cher, circa Mermaids.
5. What’s your favorite charitable cause or philanthropic organization? Why should everyone reading this rally round their flag?I really love charities that help people help themselves or hone a creative outlet. Especially for single moms, young girls, and formerly incarcerated individuals. Some local favorites are GIRLS WRITE NOW and THE DOE FUND.
6. One thing that makes LITTOC so compelling – not to mention hilarious – is that you really ‘go there.’ Why is it still so taboo for women to speak frankly about sex? I think the answer comes down to the fact that some men (or at least some societal representation of patriarchal male views) still can't handle strong women. And by strong I mean honest. It's not what some men want to hear. Why? I don't know. Maybe they worry if women are too strong, or equal, or smart, or vocal, or honest that they'll then use that power to dominate the male gender, like they've been doing to women for so long. I hate to say something like this because I don't want people to think that my show or I are man-haters. We're not, We're man lovers (that's why we get down with so many in the show). But it's true. Many men, especially men in power, can't handle the thought of women being anything but subordinate in someway. They don't want to see us as anything but sex machines who clean and cook good and enjoy 3 minutes of rabbit sex. I try not to surround myself with those men. I know a lot of guys that are great, who see women as equals, with interesting and important points of view. And I do think that's what's in our future as a society. Equality.
7. Okay, seriously: is your boyfriend cool with all this? Oh Gosh. Poor Chris. The first time I showed him pages on my first draft like way back in '08 or '09 he threw the pages at the wall. We had a talk about it and I explained that even though some of this probably sucks for him to hear, it's a part of who I am as a writer and artist, and ever since then he's be so super supportive and amazing. And really now there's so much time and art in between the show and me that I think he can see it as something than other me just reading a diary on stage. But I do always thank him all the time, especially for all he's helped out with, and he's cooler than I could expect, let's put it that way!
Hard Sparks' production of Love In The Time Of Chlamydia plays the FRIGID festival at UNDER St. Marks through March 4. Get your tickets from SmartTix.com.